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16th - 22nd March
@ Nepal 2023
Register online

26th March
@ Nepal 2023


Words from Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center

To all the devotees, monks and nuns, ordained and lay persons,


Phowa is the transference of one’s consciousness at the moment of death. It is said to be the quickest way to Buddha Amitabha Pureland and achieve enlightenment.


His Holiness The XIV Dalai Lama, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, H.H. The 16th Karmapa, the emanation of activity of all the Buddhas of present, past and future, H.H. Kyabje Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche, an embodiment of Maha Guru Ogyen and the foremost head of the Nyingmapa Lineage in exile and many other great masters have all recognized His Eminence Choje Ayang Rinpoche as a highly realized and accomplished  Phowa master and that his teachings will benefit many sentient beings in the path to attaining enlightenment and also the Buddha Dharma in general. His Eminence is a lineage holder of both the Nyingma and Drikung Phowa and continues the unbroken line of succession of the Drikung Phowa masters from Buddha Vajradhara.


His Eminence Choje Ayang Rinpoche has been conducting Phowa courses all over the world for over four decades. And Rinpoche had plans for Nepal too when the Amitabha Temple was completed but unfortunately, it could not happen as planned, due to the Nepal earthquake in 2015 that damaged the newly constructed Amitabha Temple in Kapan. When the renovation of the temple was complete, thereafter followed the Covid-19 pandemic which affected the whole world and travel got restricted, including public gatherings.


However, to fulfil the longtime requests and the fervent wish of many local devotees of Vajrayana followers, Rinpoche has now decided to bestow both the Nyingma and Drikung Lineage Phowa teachings at Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center, Kapan, Buddanilkantha Nagarpalika ward -11, Kathmandu Nepal.


About His Eminence Choje Ayang Rinpoche:

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Phowa Course Details



16th  - 22nd, March 2023





Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center, Kopan, Buddanilkantha Nagarpalika ward -11, Kathmandu Nepal


Show in Google Map >>

Daily schedule 


Newly Resealed 

Please find here>>

Tibetan Version>>

Translation â€‹

English, Russian, Cantonese and Vietnamese

Translators would have to bring along their transmitters and participants who need translation will have to bring their radios. It may hard to find good quality reliable radios in nepal. ​




If you take the Phowa course for the first time, Rinpoche asks you attend all sessions.


The practice after the course: 
Rinpoche strongly advises everyone to do the complete practice (approx 2h), at least twice a month. The recommended days are the day of the full and the one of the new moon.

Commitments of Practice and Time
Students must commit to do the Phowa practice daily for 10 days after the course, and thereafter each fortnight (full and new moon) for the rest of their lives.

Rinpoche also requires that all who have not already done so complete either the Ngondro (Preliminary Practices) or 150,000 long Vajrasattva mantras (with visualisation) within a reasonable time (usually 3 years) after the course.


In addition, all students must complete 150,000 short Buddha Amitabha mantras with visualisation after the course, and also purchase or make either a Buddha Amitabha statue or a Buddha Amitabha Pure Land thangka, as a support for their practice. Both Vajrasattva and Buddha Amitabha practice as required for these commitments are taught during the Phowa course. (Most students can complete their commitments easily with approximately one hour a day of practice over the three years).


All participant are expected to answer questions about their Dharma background. Details please refer to the registration form.

Teaching Fee:


In order to keep the Dharma door open to all, there is no fee.


Yet there are considerable amount of expenses in order to make the teachings happen. We encourage those with financial ability to make an offering to the teaching.


How to make a donation:


1) Donation from distance:


Donation could be made to any Amitabha Foundation Center in your country.

Amitabha Foundation Centres Contact Information could be found here.


After the donation, please kindly submit the donation receipt & dedication list here : . 


2) Donation while you are here

You can bring cash and make the donation when you arrive the retreat centre


For those who are unable to attend the course but still wish to rejoice and share the merit of the teachings, may do so. We will especially include you in our dedication / prayer list. After the donation, please kindly leave us the details in ​registration form.

Dharma Supporter Scheme

Dharma Supporter Scheme :


For those who have generously donated $500USD or more for the Phowa Course, it would be AF’s honor to reserve a seat for you in the 'Dharma Supporter Zone', You would have more flexibility for your entry time, and other special arrangements to show our gratitude towards your kind support.


How to join: 

1) Indicate your interested to donate $500USD, joining Dharma Supporter Scheme in the registration form


2) Bring the cash to the Nepal Amitabha Retreat Centre on 15th March during 12noon - 6pm, or 16th 7:30 - 8:30am. To confirm your application and secure your seat. 


If the scheme quota is full, we will indicate you will be on the *waiting list in the registration form.



  • All communication and course announcement will be posted on this website announcement board


  • You are also suggested to visit this website for updates.


The Liberation for Dead Beings Prayer Ceremony : (TBC)



Registration for Phowa Course: 


Method 1) Apply Online: All participants are highly recommended to register online, here is the registration form.


Method 2) Apply through PDF form: For those who cannot access the online form, please download the form here, fill in the form, scan it and send back to us by email. It will take longer time to process your application, please kindly be patient. 

True Nature of Mind Teaching After Phowa Course


We are glad to announce that His Eminence Choje Ayang Rinpoche has agreed to give the True Nature of Mind teachings in Nepal after the Phowa course, as students have been requesting for a long time.  


The TNM interviews have been fixed from March 23 to 25 and the actual True Nature of Mind teaching will be given on March 26. More details will be announced soon. 


>> Details please click here




Accomodation : Each participant should take care their accomodation and book the room as soon as possible. 


Option 1) *FULL BOOKING* To book accommodation at Amitabha Foundation Retreat Center Cottages. Please email to


The center cottages are located behind the Amitabha Mandala temple in a wooded area that protects from the noise and bustle of Kathmandu. The cottages have a level of isolation that facilitates retirement and provides practitioners with a comfortable meditation space: a single bed, a desk, a wardrobe, a bathroom (Western toilet and shower) and a kitchen equipped with a mini fridge and a gas cooker.


Option 2) A small list of hotel recommendations for your consideration, please go to here


Option 3) Self arrange. You may book any accomodation that is suitable for you.



For any further queries, you may contact Metok at whatsapp +91 74110 59690: or True Lhamo at +91 9939994993. 


Or our volunteer will try our best to answer your question, please submit your question below. 

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